How Compensair can help you get reimbursed for your flight disruptions.
We all know that flight delays and cancellations can put a damper on that vacation you were so excited for. There’s nothing worse than getting to the airport, full of excitement and and anticipation, only to see those dreaded words next to your flight number: DELAYED. You’re at the mercy of the airline and there’s nothing you can do about it. Most people—like me, to be honest—shrug this off as a cost of travel and don’t think about it again.
Or at least up until recently. Did you know that you could be entitled to compensation for the headache of having to sit around and wait? I just learned about a service that can give you up to $650 (€600) per person for delayed, overbooked or cancelled flights. It’s called Compensair, and it’s a company that basically handles filing a claim against the airline on your behalf. If you’re not sure if your situation applies, submitting a claim is free and takes less than a minute to see if you qualify.
Are you eligible for compensation?
According to European Union Regulation 261/2004, a passenger can qualify for compensation in cases of delays of more than 3 hours, flight cancellations, denial of boarding due to overbooking, and missed connections to the delay of the first flight segment. Passed in 2004 to protect consumers against severe flight disruption, EU Reg 261/2004 will cover these types of travel disruptions as long as the flight either arrived or departed from the EU. There is basically a 6 year statute of limitations (my choice of verbiage, as an attorney, since that’s basically what’s going on here, just with EU regulations applying instead of US Federal or State regulations).
The amount of compensation does not depend on the amount you paid for your ticket but rather on the distance of the flight:
€250 for short distance flight delays, below 1500km;
€400 for medium distance flight delays, between 1500km and 3500km; or
€600 for long distance flight delays, over 3500km
So if you’ve experienced a flight delay, cancellation or overbooking that forced you to take another flight—that happened in the past 6 years—you could be entitled to up to $650 in compensation with Compensair.* Try it out—there’s no harm in checking to see if you qualify!
*Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Compensair and Travel is the Cure may earn a commission (at no cost to you) based on making a claim through the links provided on this website.