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Portable WiFi: the New Everyday Essential

Lauren Wood

Skyroam offers numerous remote work opportunities and flexibility. See how a portable WiFi device is the new everyday essential—not just for international travel.

Note: As a Skyroam affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If there’s one thing this pandemic has proven, it’s that people can truly work from anywhere. Skeptics and naysayers have been attempting to refute this position for years. Those who are married to their office computer or reliant on face-to-face meetings once balked at the idea of working from someplace other than the office. I have heard so many people—especially lawyers, in my profession—make the argument that you can’t work as effectively when you’re away from the office. But since so few people actually had tried to work from anywhere before this pandemic, the skeptics had better footing to stand on when attempting rebut this notion before (since it was largely untested). However, after millions of people were not only advised—but in some cases mandated—to work from home, this once novel theory was easily proven to be true. Now, with people forced to work from home because of the pandemic, we are learning that most people working in a professional capacity can be just as effective out of the office. If people can work from home, it means that all they need is an internet connection to be able to work anywhere in the world.

Of course, that doesn’t just include the average professional or office worker. It now also means that children who are remote learning can attend classes from anywhere, digital nomads can work wherever they want without having to constantly search for their next coffee shop with WiFi and moms on the go can stream shows for their kids from wherever they please.

Working moms and dads need not schedule their vacations around their meeting calendar, since these meetings are now more widely accepted to be conducted by phone or Zoom. All they need is a solid WiFi connection and they can—quite literally—work from just about anywhere in the world. The way people work and learn has changed, and some agree that it will never fully return to the way it once was. I happen to be in that camp of people who believes we’ll never truly return back to “normal”.

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What that also means is that it’s now more important than ever to have fast WiFi connectivity at your fingertips, at all times. But how do you do that when your internet goes out at home, hotel WiFi often isn’t reliable and coffee shop networks aren’t fast or secure? Or what if you want to switch up your workspace—either taking your work to the park for the day or heading to the mountains for a change of scenery? The answer is portable WiFi, which is now the new everyday essential. With a Skyroam portable WiFi device, you can take your work anywhere.

Skyroam—once known only as a way for travelers to stay connected in other countries—now offers numerous remote work opportunities and flexibility while at home.

Backup Connectivity

I know what you’re thinking: “But I have WiFi at home.” Or maybe you’re thinking “There’s hotel WiFi wherever I travel.” Probably both true. But these are not fail-safe systems. Home internet cuts out or gets slow when too many devices are all utilizing the same connection. And complimentary hotel WiFi is neither secure nor reliable, so what do you do in those frustrating situations when the internet at home cuts out or the hotel WiFi is so slow that your Zoom meeting is constantly delayed? This is the precise reason why you should have—and should also travel with—a backup emergency WiFi device, both at home and when you are on the go. Global WiFi is no longer a luxury, but is now an absolute necessity.

I’ll share a recent experience to demonstrate: I took a trip to Mexico just a few months ago and had some work calls scheduled during the time that I was staying at a pretty swanky new hotel in Cancun. Though the hotel Internet had worked perfectly the entire first day I was there, by the morning that I was set to connect to a few meetings by Zoom, I could not get it to work at all. I frantically kept hitting refresh on the signal, logging in and out, to no avail. Thankfully I had my Skyroam portable WiFi device with me though—which I quickly powered up and was able to use throughout the entire duration of my work meetings that day. The connection was fast, secure, and didn’t cut out once (which I certainly can’t say for most experiences using hotel WiFi).

Want to WIN a Skyroam Solis Lite global hotspot, a Solis Lite power bank kit, travel case and 5 global day passes (over $200 value)? Well you're in luck: I've partnered with Skyroam to offer this awesome package to one lucky winner. Enter the giveaway HERE.

These problems can also—unfortunately—happen at home. Too many people pulling an internet connection off the same network? Power up your Skyroam to have your own dedicated network.

With kids at home during remote learning—either online in classes or playing games for entertainment—they’re now siphoning off your once-fast internet and slowing things down. So what if you have a super important Zoom meeting in a few minutes but you’ve noticed your connection is slow? Well, simply turning on your Skyroam and getting it connected will allow you the opportunity to have a dedicated WiFi signal all to yourself. No more failed Zoom calls, no more waiting for webpages to download, and no more buffering on that movie if you manage sneak away for a little “you time”.

Switching up your workspace

Imagine you’ve rented the cutest little cottage in Yountville for the week, and your AirBnB has a comfy chaise lounger outside in the courtyard where you can sprawl out in the warm spring sun, with the birds singing songs in the background, crisp clean air to fill your lungs, a coffee cup in one hand and your laptop on your lap, where you’re going through emails for the day. Doesn’t that sound lovely? And guess what—it’s not a weekend, it’s a work day. Well, this is entirely possible with your own dedicated portable hotspot, which you can rely on to be able to work while you’re away, rather than playing Russian internet roulette, where you hope and pray the WiFi at your cute little cottage works—only to find that the internet connection as advertised barely has enough bandwidth to pull up your emails, let alone make video calls.

With a Skyroam portable WiFi device, you can work from a cabin in the mountains or even just switch up your workspace by getting outside. You can take your dogs or kids to the park, power up your Skyroam, and work a bit while you’re there—so your boss will never know you’re not in front of your desk at home. Having a portable WiFi device not only gives you greater flexibility in where you can work, but also provides peace of mind that you will always be able to power it up as a backup in cases where your existing connection fails.

Would you like to hear another story? Well, you know I’m going to tell you anyway…

Last week a couple of my girlfriends came to town after not being able to see each other over the past year. We all decided to get Covid-19 tests and quarantine the week before so we could safely be together. Two of the women traveled from Northern California on a Thursday, and each had work engagements scattered throughout the day on Friday. When we wanted to meet a fourth friend for a drink at the Ventura Pier, one of my friends voiced some concern about going until after her work call was done, because she needed WiFi fast enough for a Zoom call and couldn’t take the chance that the place we were going didn’t have Wifi. The solution? Well of course you know where this is going. We brought along my Skyroam, which I powered up before her meeting, and we were all able to enjoy a beautiful, sunny California day by the beach while enjoying some beers (and mocktails for me, of course). Without the Skyroam, we would have had to wait at home until she had finished her calls, wasting daylight and such a beautiful day.

Dual Functionality

Most people used to think portable WiFi devices were only needed for travel. And don’t get me wrong—they’re GREAT—for travel. But if you invest in a Skyroam now, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of having constant access to super fast, 4G WiFi at your fingertips whether you’re at home or on the go, AND you’ll also be able to bring it with you when we’re all able to start traveling once again. Use a portable Skyroam device to invest in yourself, and invest in your travel future.

If you have questions about this product, feel free to reach out to me directly by email. I’ve been using my Skyroam device for years now and can attest to its effectiveness.


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Be Well, Stay Safe!




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